Thursday, June 19, 2014

Group Keys and Filesystems

I spent this week finishing up the current iteration of group keys and working on a filesystem abstraction.  At this point the whole publisher program is "working", I have managed a whole run through.  However, the public key interface is extremely basic, it just takes in a PEM encoded public key file and stores it internally, and all of the actual encoding and cryptography is still up in the air without a specification.

Group Keys

The group key implementation is working.  The program allows you to create groups, add/remove other peoples public keys to groups (change the membership), and encrypt/decrypt messages using the key derived from the group state.  Whenever a user is removed from a group the group state is wound using the RSA scheme.  The control information that is put in the encryption function now encrypts the file key under the group key of each group that has access to it.  To get the file key for decryption the user must be a member of at least one group that the file key is encrypted under and have a version greater or equal to the key version it was encrypted under.


This week I also worked on a filesystem abstraction that handles the publisher program's local storage and I/O.  I built the system to:

  • allow for insertion of arbitrary middleware dynamically, such as changing the directory, or encrypting the files before they reach the disk.
  • allow for an arbitrary back end, such as saving and loading to the filesystem, or a database, or a server, or memory.
  • make testing cleaner by allowing saving and loading files to and from memory, that way testing doesn't risk polluting or being affected by the filesystem.
I haven't implemented any middleware for it yet, but I wanted to have it so that it is extremely easy to change how and where the files are saved later.


I also spent a day documenting all of the publisher code.  The file in the github repo /publisher/cpp/doc/html/index.html has the documentation home page, and from there you can explore the documentation.  It is organized my module and class in what I hope is a sensible manner.  I had previously put this off because the code was changing very rapidly, but I decided now that other people are looking at my code it is worthwhile to document it.

The Future

I am going to look at the OpenSSL apps and see if I can use the command line apps to do the cryptography.  This would be useful because it would allow for easier inclusion of different ciphers without adding a ton of boilerplate.  If this seems feasible and useful I will implement in the code to allow for arbitrary ciphers to be used for signing and encryption.

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